Fall 2021 | Instructors | What We Bring To The Party | What You Can Expect | Lodging Details | Testimonials | Pricing | Liability
Presenting "In Search of the Real Greece 2021," an extraordinary holistic photographic experience dedicated to developing your vision as an artist, exploring Santorini, rarely seen Anafi and either untouched Thirasia or dynamic Ios. Now in it's fifteenth year!
"In Search of the Real Greece 2021" -Santorini, Thirasia/Ios & Anafi- (9/11/21-9/19/21) - Cancelled due to COVID!
Dates (September 11th to September 19th)
Maximum students: 5-7
Level: Open
Itinerary: Santorini - Anafi + either Thirasia or Ios
Purchase Workshop Online:
(secure online payment through PayPal)
In Search of the 'Real Greece' 2021 - Kyklades (9/11/21 - 9/19/21) - Cancelled due to COVID!
Sunrise accommodation - $2900. Santorini/Thirasia-Ios/Anafi
ASMP Member's 10% Discount - Verificaton Needed
$2900 US
$2000 US
We will tour beautiful Santorini, untouched Thirasia and splendid, rarely visited Anafi "In Search of the Real Greece."
We start in mystic Santorini.
Rising with the sun, we'll chase "to fos ellinikos," the Greek light, as it wraps around blindingly white Cycladic buildings and cerulean harbors filled with fishing boats of red, blue and green.
We'll follow old Greek women shrouded in black and old Greek men riding their donkeys down cascades of marbled stairs. We shall seek out little know villages, where Greeks have thrived, prayed, laughed and danced for centuries.
We'll watch the sun set into the Aegean sea. Later, we'll explore the clubs and tavernas, and burn the midnight oil.
At week's end, we shall journey by ferry to magical Anafi.
Those of Anafi embrace the life traditional in the world Hellenic. Tourists and photographers are still looked at as a curiosity. Anafi, some twenty odd miles southeast is a vision of Santorini from fifty years ago before the onslaught of tourism.
Our days will be filled with shooting in secret little hideaways that I have discovered in my twenty years of Greek travels.
At workshop's end, we will ferry back to Santorini for a final day of shooting, critique, dancing and celebration.
All photographic medias, film or digital, are welcome. We will have midweek lectures in Photoshop CC including final critiques of workshop photography. Night photography is encouraged, but only balanced with nocturnal explorations of the kafenions and tavernas.
Lodging, continental breakfast, and transportation between and within Santorini/Thirasia/Anafi are included.

Glenn Steiner - (Glennsteiner.com) Award-winning Pro Photographer, Teacher + Greek Expert
Rose Steiner - (Rosesteiner.com) Nationally renown Image Maker: Muralist, Painter, Printmaker + Photographer
What we bring to the Party
Within the Greek Island Workshops, Glenn and Rose bring an encyclopedic knowledge of Greece and love of the Greek Isles. Glenn has explored over sixty-two (62!) islands within the past twenty-five years.
Glenn is an award-winning assignment and studio photographer based in San Francisco since 1977. (http://glennsteiner.com) Glenn has been shooting and processing digital full time since 1999.
The Greek Island Workshops present a balanced philosophy of shooting, technical learning, and insightful critique. Glenn teaches best on location, balanced with classroom demonstations of Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Bridge, and Adobe Lightroom.
The amateur artist takes a photograph, but a professional makes a photograph. Glenn will help guide you how to conceptualize and realise your photograph. By workshop's end, you will find yourself shooting not only less shots, but finer ones than you had ever thought possible.
Glenn has found that it is this difference between taking and making, the learning of how to "engineer" one's photography for success, that lifts the superior artist to works of inspiration.
Greece has been Glenn's and Rose's home for more than three years total of the past twenty-four. In their explorations, the Steiners have researched and discovered many out-of-the-ordinary, exciting places to shoot whilst writing for travel guides and travel magazines.
Glenn and Rose promise to share a vision of the real Greece with you, rarely seen, seldom photographed. Unlike many workshop operators, the Steiners read and write Greek passably well, and have developed many friends who live on the Greek islands.
Glenn, a member of National Association of Photoshop Professionals, regularly studies with NAPP and Adobe to keep abreast of the latest insights and techniques within Adobe Photoshop CC. Glenn is a 41 year 'lifetime' member of the American Society of Media Photographers (http://Asmpnorcal.org) and former President of ASMP/NorCal. Glenn has served on the NorCal advisory board helping young photographers hone their craft for over ten years.
"Δεν ελπιζουμαι τιποτα. Δεν φοβουμαι τιποτα. Ειμαι ελευθερος."
" I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am free."
-Nikos Kazantzakis PhD, Greek scholar and author of Zorba the Greek
What You Can Expect
The student should plan to arrive the day before the workshop begins. We can help provide lodging for that night.
For the next eight days, we rise with the sun's first rays to shoot the morning's light. We have a mid morning breakfast and shoot until lunch.
After lunch, we break to recharge our creative batteries, following the "mikro hypno" or siesta within the Greek culture. More often than not, we will also download and review our latest work, recharging our camera batteries as well.
We shoot from late afternoon to daylight's end.
Then, we will all enjoy dinner at one of Santorini's world famous traditional tavernas.
Most of the Greek Island Workshops have two review periods, at the middle and at workshops' end. This critique is an essential part of your journey.
Glenn often uses a high definition digital projector and/or a color corrected monitor to demonstrate the powers of Adobe Bridge, and the flexibility of the RAW digital negative format. When there is mandate from the participants, Glenn will share his post-production techniques in the new Photoshop CC and/or Adobe Lightroom.
What You Will Need
Rose and I advocate the travel light philosophy, where less is more.
- Students are encouraged to bring their own digital or traditional camera and their favorite lenses.
- Film is not available on Santorini for traditional analog photographers. Bring your own.
- A lightweight notebook computer (or multimedia storage device) is absolutely necessary to store and to review your digital work.
Students are expected to be proficient in the use of their particular cameras and computers.
Lodging Details
For our Santorini based workshops, photographers will stay at our favorite "AA" class hotel on the 'sunrise side' of Firostefani. Your rooms include AC , a refrigerator and a veranda facing the Aegean. The hotel has a lovely, sun drenched pool where we often gather about at noon time, discussing the days' shoots.
Continental breakfasts and all island/inter-island transportation are included in this cost.
The 'Sunrise Side' accommodation cost is $2900/US. Payment may be made by personal check, or by PayPal via the Internet.
Should students wish upgraded rooms, these will be available at additional cost, a short distance from our hotel.
Our stateside address is 220 Ridgeway Avenue, Fairfax, CA., 94930, USA.
Regarding cancellation fees, within 60 to 45 days of the workshop we offer a 50% refund; within 44 to 30 days of the workshop we offer 15% refund; and within 29 days or less, we offer no refund.
Workshops fees include neither personal insurance nor health insurance. The Greek islands are generally a safe and hospitable place. If you think you need insurance, please contact your local insurance or travel insurance dealer.
"The Greek Island Workshops are an immersion in Greek culture and a photographic experience beyond capturing postcard images. Glenn's knowledge of the Greek language and Greek culture greatly enhanced our photographic endeavors. Workshop participants literally go off the beaten path to photograph in locations we could never find on our own. As a result we all left Santorini with a far deeper appreciation of the life and beauty of the Greek Islands reflected in our photography."
--Alex D., Kennebunk, Maine
“Three friends and myself travelled to Santorini to meet up with a photographer by the name of Glenn Steiner to discover Greece through his eyes. Travelling or touring with someone who knows the area and particular the language for me was a bonus as we toured Santorini, Ios and Anafi. We visited and photographed places that I would never have found on my own and met with the many friendly and happy locals during our tour of their homeland.
The food, drinks, scenery, the people their homes (so many stairs) the shops, not to mention the donkeys. I must say, a donkey ride with a camera in one hand and a smile on your dial, is a must do up the cobblestone path from where the tour boats arrive. I still chuckle to myself having witnessed/photographed Glenn get on and off a donkey J.
A beautiful breakfast overlooking the Aegean Sea and a donkey ride to follow on our last day on Santorini – the whole weeks experience for me was something I shall not forget !!
Glenn’s knowledge of photography and his love for Santorini and its people was obvious. The days were very flexible and post production tips were an eye opener. I was very much worn out by the end of each day or should I say night !!
Cheers Glenn & Rose, it was lovely to have met you all.
Thanks again!" -(Chris Dalton, Bowen, Australia 2015)-
In June of 2008 I went to Greece to participate in the Greek Island Photography Workshop, led by Glenn Steiner. Up to that point, I’d been taking some basic photography classes and taking a lot of really bad pictures. Going to Greece combined two great interests of mine: a love of travel and a desire to learn more about photography.
Glenn was a great teacher, was fun to be around, and has been going to the Greek Islands for many years. When not leading workshops, he’s a commercial photographer in the Bay Area. Glenn was a great influence on me early in my life in photography. He taught us about light and what times of day would be best for photographing certain subjects. He told us to walk very, very slowly , to look up and look down, and to turn around after taking a picture, that sometimes an even better picture would be where you hadn’t looked yet. He told us about “f8 and be there”, that we should think of the camera as an extension of ones arm, to always be ready to make a photograph. What I learned from him was really a new way of thinking about making pictures and, of paramount importance, a new way of seeing.
What I began to see, towards the end of the workshop, were the forms created by architectural exteriors combined with sky, shadow, and various qualities of light. The end result of these photographs tended toward the abstract. I’m not sure why my eye was attracted to these compositions; it may have been my love of abstract expressionist paintings. But something about them felt different than the pictures that I’d been taking before. It was the first time I found my own “voice” in photography. The experience gave me a much needed boost in confidence in what I was doing and in the path I was taking.
I also made some good friends during my time there. Besides Glenn and his wife Rose, I remain in contact with Rosanne Bruegmann, Del Krebs, and Karina Wang. Karina, a professional photographer in Chicago, has been especially encouraging and supportive of my efforts in photography over the past few years. Now that I no longer live in Chicago, I miss our times together discussing photography, art, and music, usually over a glass of wine.
Some of the images below have been in exhibitions, some have even won awards, and others have never made it off my hard drive before.
One of the ultimate lessons I learned in Greece is that it’s one thing to learn how to use a camera, it’s quite another, and infinitely more important, to learn how to see.
Thanks, Glenn. -(Doug Ness, http://dougnessblog.com/)-
Dear Glenn—My photo tour in Santorini with you was so much more than just a series of stops at particularly pretty sites. Your thorough knowledge of the history, the people, the culture, the food and the neighborhoods added so much to my first experience of Santorini. Yes, you knew exactly where to go for the most dramatic sunsets, but your ability to communicate in Greek also allowed us to be warmly welcomed by residents in out-of-the-way villages that don’t often see tourists. Sitting in the sidewalk café, sipping wine and interacting with the locals, who then sang and played instruments just for us was a true highlight for me and one that would never happen on a conventional large-group photography tour.
A thousand thanks for all your extra helpfulness, too, especially rescuing my iPhone from the Athens police after I lost the phone in the airport and flew home without it!
I’m thrilled with the photos I took and I’ve already won several awards for them at my camera club competitions. I’ll always treasure very fond memories of this great trip. Thanks again. Warm regards, -(Jeanne S., Palm Springs CA '11)-
I was fortunate to spend a week with Glenn in June, 2011. It was one of the most magical experiences, thanks to his photography expertise, knowledge of Greek culture and language. Having a guide who has scouted the very best landscapes and photo opportunities is priceless, as he is intimately familiar with the most optimal scenery in Santorini, Thirasia, and Anafi.
We enjoyed the lessons in post-processing, evening walks, and lovely meals. The schedule was flexible, allowing the time-zone weary traveler to feel refreshed and ready for the adventurous days of learning photography techniques, while enjoying the countryside as any tourist.
Most of all, I appreciated Glenn's character -- such a gentleman, who was gracious to his students, despite his no-doubt many repeated trips with other groups. He reveled in the sights and experiences as much as we did and took great pleasure in our reactions to the beauty of this unique land. I'm very proud of my photos and no doubt will take another of his local California classes in the near future. Do not hesitate to commit to what I'm sure will provide you with a once-in-a-lifetime experience as a photographer. -(Sheryl S., Walnut Creek, CA '11)-
My son Nick and I just returned from a week in Santorini learning how to "make" photographs with Glenn. We explored every nook and cranny of the island going many places tourists never get to see. I think one of my favorites was our trip to an abandoned tomato factory. It was here that I learned to look beyond the ruins to see the beauty that laid beneath. I have especially enjoyed "photo-shopping" those pictures in black and white. I could have never done that without the lessons Glenn gave on Adobe Bridge and PhotoShop.
We enjoyed a lot of good food and great wine that week. The island is beautiful and Glenn's knowledge of the people and history helped open a new world to us.
-(Jane + Nicholas Jennings, Texas '11)-
Hi Glenn! One thing that still stands out like a shining jewel this year was the wonderful experience of "Sail The Wine Dark Sea." I am still raving about the entire experience -- the additional photographic knowledge and experience I gained, the patience and friendship you and Rose showed us, the way you fostered a congenial "team" atmosphere, and the emphasis on trying to experience the "real Greece" while we were at it (including the all-important food, drink, etc.). I seriously hope to return for another workshop with you -- whether it's the Santorini one, or perhaps coming back to the Dodakanesa in the fall if you do that again. -(Janet P., Philadelphia PA '09)-
Dear Glenn and Rose, Wow, what a wonderful adventure! Thank-you! Katherine and I had such a great time with you both and the photo workshop on Santorini. Being able to explore the island with people who have such a broad knowledge of the culture and its people was really a treat. We had the opportunity to see and photograph areas we never would have had access to on our own.
Being beginners at photography, we really appreciated your desire and ability to teach all levels. We learned so much in the time we spent together. Rose, you really have a knack for taking care of people. Thank you for making sure our needs where met! And, last but not least, thank you so much for going above and beyond the call of duty to care for me when I injured my ankle. Your kindness and consideration, no doubt, sped my recovering. We wish you both well and hope that we will meet again soon. Sincerely, -(Mary + Katherine R.,, Petoskey MI '09)-
Hello and welcome back from Greece! I hope that your next photography group was as fun and meaningful as ours. My images surround me...in my camera, my computer, my table tops, my dreams, my thoughts, my memories. I often feel that I'm still in Greece...what an incredible, wonderful experience that you, Rose, and Glenn provided for all of us. This comes with lots of good wishes and even more good memories. -(Gail R., Rochester NY '09)-
Glenn -- Thanks to your Greek Island Photography Workshop, I have discovered my "third eye" through the lens. Even though I am quite an amateur photographer, I was stunned at the spectacular photos that I was able to takeon the trip. I've already had three framed and if you can imagine, people have asked if they were paintings! As you see, I have caught t the photography bug and look forward to participating in another one of your 2010 Greek Island Photography Workshops. Kalimera! -(Ann Marie S., The Villages FL '09)-
In Rome, I couldn't help but contact everyone and thank you for such a wonderful wonderful experience in Santorini/Anafi. Any difficulties were met with great humour and the spirit vwas such an uplifting one -social, learning, travel, photographic opps extraordinaire, culture, language, new experiences all in one juicy package. (I have taken to approaching total strangers in the street for a photo in Rome - not with the gusto of Ann Marie - but with some success!)
There are many textures to take here in Rome though you need to watch the traffic-certainly a far cry from Anafi@!! Signing off for now but will be in touch soon. Thank you everyone for making it such a memorable experience. Signed "the Australian Savage" -(Tony Harding, Melbourne Australia '09)-
It has now been a month and a half since our trip to the Greek islands, and the memories of that wonderful trip have stayed with me and Robyn. Many things stand out: the dinners on those beach tavernas in the balmy air; the night on Patmos when intrepid Rose risked embarrassment by taking the pictures of the austere priests, who then turned out to be avid to be photographed; Eugene swimming to and from our sister boat with the bottle held out of the water just so that we could have the oh so valuable mayonnaise for our lunch; emerging into that beautiful hidden harbor in Kalymnos; the simple and delicious delight of Greek yoghurt and honey for breakfast; the amazing violet color of the water, crystal clear in the harbors.
Robyn and I became more sure of ourselves as photographers. This was due to the tutelage that you and Rose provided. You were always available, during our peregrinations in the magic hours after sunrise and before sunset, to answer any questions, from the simplest to the most complex. And it was reassuring to me that, as far as you were concerned, there were no dumb questions. You and Rose also introduced us to the mysteries of the Bridge section of Photoshop, which has proven to be a great editing and organizing program.
Everyone in our group was intelligent, serious, and fun to be with. I don’t know how you did it, gathering such congenial group. Your love and knowledge of Greece was formidable and infectious, inspiring us to further reading and perhaps travel. The temples of ancient Greece in Turkey were so close to us in the Dodecanese. Perhaps our next trip. All in all, we had a wonderful time, one of our best trips. Robyn and I thank you both for it. We hope to see you soon. -(Jeremy M. + Robyn A., New York NY '09)-
"The trip around the Greek Isles with Glenn and Rose was a spectacular experience. Each one of us came to the workshop with varying sets of skills and Glenn (and Rose too!) took the time to make sure we each were able to progress not only in our technical skills but in our mindset for creating an image. I came away from the trip with some of the best photographs I have ever taken and a new view on how I approach photography. But more than just that, the week allowed me to explore islands I might not have otherwise ventured to alone and with Rose and Glenn as our guides we caught slices of Greek life that might have otherwise gone un-found. From sunset walks through small villages to learning to make dolmades in a local taverna to live local music and dancing at a taverna to clambering up a rocky path to wait for the perfect shot, I felt I experienced, not just saw, an amazing slice of Greece. They taught me how to enjoy and love the quirks and idiosyncracies of Greek culture from just going with the flow (including laughing at the convoluted or ambiguous directions given by Greek natives) to how to embrace the kindness of strangers (filoxenia as Glenn shared with me) in a way that only two people smitten with a country can. Their love for Greece, teaching and photography is contagious and I definitely caught the bug." -(Lauren M., Boston MA '09)- View some of Lauren's work.
"I was searching for photography workshops in Europe and Asia when I stumbled across the In Search of the Real Greece workshops on Peter Greenberg's website. Since I consider Peter Greenberg a trusted source of travel information, this Greek workshop immediately made it to the top of my list."
"I was looking for a workshop that was run by someone who knew the location and could take the where, when, and how to get there out of location shooting and let me just shoot. This workshop accomplished all those goals as well as providing shooting tips for better photos. I was able to go to locations on Santorini and Anafi that I don't think I ever would have found on my own."
"Thanks to this workshop I have some great photos and made some new friends." -(David G., Riverview FL '09)-
"I have returned back to the life of a working photographer, yet my wonderful experience in Greece is not leaving me and is somewhere always in the back of my mind. What a difference between the photography one HAS to do versus the images one chooses to take for oneself, and with Glenn and Rose's valuable experience and imagination our group was brought to locations where our self discovery and experimentation found no boundaries. I cherished the discovery of "uncluttered" places that reminded me constantly of great works of modern art.
Thank you, Glenn and Rose, to be so willing to share your knowledge with us, for your kindness, care and consideration, ...qualities not always found among the teaching photographer community. And also thank you for all your suggestions in post production and in the post workshop period. I am looking forward to more discoveries with your guidance in a very beloved part of this world. -(Karina, Chicago IL '08)-
"Ever since Day 1 of the Greek Island Workshop I no longer "carry" my camera. I "wear" it. It's part of my arm. I think "f8 and be there". Even when not shooting, I'm checking my settings, ever ready for the opportunity. After I take a shot, I turn around to see if there's an even better one behind me. I walk very slowly, looking up and down, stopping frequently, seeing the world differently than before. And I'm stocking up on Greek wine from the retailer down the street, thinking of the sun setting over the great Aegean Sea."
"As implied above, I can't thank you and Rose enough for guiding me through your Greek Island Workshop. I very much enjoyed and appreciated your taking us to the uncommon, out of the way locations like the tomato factory and Anafi. It was there that I feel I really grew as a photographer. Your guidance, along with the interaction with fellow participants, fostered that growth through patience, intelligence, and creativity. I look forward to sharing many more photographic adventures with you in the future." -(Doug Ness, Chicago IL '08) View some of Doug's work.
"I was absolutely thrilled to attend a workshop with Glenn and his wife Rose - they were extremely knowledgeable and helpful. They became great friends of mine. I feel as though I have a pair of mentors who are willing to answer any questions and help me with anything. Not only were they incredibly knowledgeable on the history and geography of the Greek Islands, but they know it in the context of photography! I couldn't have asked for a better introduction to photographing the Greek Isles or a better teacher to refine my knowledge of light and technique. I highly recommend Glenn's workshops, and hope I can meet up with him again soon!" -(Josh Trefethen, Fort Worth TX '08)- View some of Josh's work.
"Upon returning home from the Greek Island Workshops, I have spent untold hours working on the images shot during the workshop and compiling a slideshow. During that time as I would process and dwell upon each image, memories of the wonderful and productive experiences gained during the workshop would sweep across my mind.
Suddenly, I would want to go back and relive it again. I consider myself only an amateur photographer but the experience I gained through the workshop is invaluable and enabled me to gain an accelerated level of development in my photography skills. For example, being an active member of the Phoenix Camera Club, I recently submitted two entries: one taken in northern Greece before the workshop and one taken in Santorini during the workshop. My peers quickly pointed out the difference in the two images and could easily pick out which was the "before" and which was the "after" without my needing to identify either.
Learning to use the camera in manual mode was perhaps the greatest discovery of all my experience and the resulting images speak volumes of testimony to that fact. I consider myself blessed in that I was able to participate in such a wonderful photographic journey and gaining new friends along the way was an added benefit as well. Thank you Steiners for making this possible. -(Del Krebbs, Glendale AZ '08)-
"I had an absolutely amazing time at the workshop and want to thank you both (Glenn and Rose) for the experience and for introducing me to the real Greece, it was truly a trip of a lifetime that I will never forget! You both have such amazing and infectious outlooks on life, which made the workshop that much more amazing. You are brilliant artists, both in your teachings, art, photography and knowledge of the Greek culture. I thoroughly enjoyed all of the sites we visited in Santorini which were each so unique and so beautiful to shoot and not forgetting the sail around the Caldera with the unexpected wine toss. Anafi was truly a memorably experience and I treasure my photo taken of the local Greeks. Since my return home, I have taken up studying photography with a local photographer/artist, I am truly addicted and will continue to photograph and improve my skills. My only disappointment was how quickly the trip went, but know that I will return, of course with my camera and iPod in hand, maybe next time I will be singing songs from local greek artists like Haris Alexiou, which I have listened to non-stop , Glenn, thanks for recommending her , I picked up the CD in Mykonos. Thank you, Del, Barbara, Doug (aka Waldo), Karina and Roseann, you are all amazing photographers and made the experience that much more terrific and I hope that our paths meet again someday!" -(Danielle S., New York NY '08)-
"My daily routine since returning home has been to listen non-stop to Haris Alexiou (thank you, Glenn, for introducing me to this wonderful singer) and to visualize sunrises and sunsets and white against blue, and donkeys and pistachios and that toppled cactus! You know, it takes a lot for someone to get me up in the morning to see a sunrise, but I didn't miss a single one thanks to your contagious enthusiasm for the experience. The workshop was simply superb. I loved the leisurely, effortless way the days unfolded -- sunrise coffee, a hearty breakfast, a morning shoot, a short break to restore one's energy, an afternoon shoot, and then, that fabulous sunset. And at the end of each day, when I reviewed my notes and scoped my images, I felt such joy and a sense of accomplishment. Glenn, your knowledge of everything Greek and the fact that you speak the language further enriched the experience. I have a long way to go as a photographer, but I feel that a firm foundation has been laid from the knowledge I gained through this workshop. You are not only a fantastic, seasoned photographer, but you are also a wonderful teacher. My only regret is that Rose was not with us. But perhaps next time, for I know our paths will cross again. Efkaristo, Glenn. -(Mary T., New York NY '07)-
"Thank you for such a wonderful experience. It was so good to have you as a travel guide, as well as a photo workshop leader, during my time in Santorini. It was a gift for which I am very grateful. You may be interested to know that you whetted my appetite for Greek culture and literature. I finished Nicholas Gage's book entitled "Hellas, a Portrait of Greece", and I am nearly finished reading "Christ Recrucified" by Nikos Kazantzakis. I highly recommend it if you haven't already read it. And last week I purchased, "Sailing the Wine Dark Sea" by Thomas Cahill. That's next on my list to read. I hope all is well with you, and look forward to the benefit of your critique once I get my photos to you. Also looking forward to the possibility of a 2009 trip to Greece on one of your workshops. -(Sheila C., Atlanta GA '07)-
"Upon my return I was asked the question many times as to which part of my trip did I enjoy most. The honor of meeting President Bush in Tirana was of course a highlight and each city I spent time in had a unique charm but nothing really affected me as deeply as my time spent in the workshop in Santorini. To be specific I thought the group cohesiveness was amazing. Everyone was so different and each person's personality and talent was a lovely asset to the experience. Your knowledge of Greek history and culture was just amazing. I had many tour guides during my travels and none of them compared to you. I was spoiled by seeing the real Greece through the eyes of an artist. The things I learned during the workshop came to me as I went "meandering" off on my own away from all the tourists. I would hear a whisper in my ear, "turn around and look" the picture could be there and I would become immersed in my surroundings. I arose early in the morning to chase the light and see how the city awoke, thank you for getting me used to the 5am wake-up. I know you don't think I paid attention but I'm a multi tasker and I really do absorb even when I'm doing something else when you're talking. I experimented with ideas you spoke of and I feel as if I improved in my technique and vision. -(Irene T., New York NY '07)-
"I was truly blessed this summer in being one of five participants in the Greek Island Photography Workshop. Glenn created a most positive and dynamic group atmosphere which allowed each student to develop his own individual expressive abilities. He was extremely patient in dealing with a variety of technical questions. Being escorted to many less travelled sights and locations added to the uniqueness of the total experience. -(Brian Kitchener, Ontario Canada ...Mission worker in Romania '07)- View some of Brian's work.
"We're still talking about what a great trip we had "Sailing the Wine Dark Sea!" Everything was perfect: the weather, the islands, the food, the laughs and the company of our crewmates! With you as our guide, translator, food expert, photographic tutor and friend, we learned so much more about the places we visited than we ever would have done on our own. The early morning tour of the Kastro on Leros, cafes in small towns and villages, sunset at Marathi, people-watching in Patmos, and that amazing entry to Vathys on our first day are just some of the many wonderful things we experienced. The many images we returned with, not just those recorded with our cameras but in our memories as well, will remain close to our hearts for a very long time. Until we meet again (and we will!), efharisto! -(Carol + Ian R., Ontario Canada '06) View some of Carols's work.
"Sail The Wine Dark Sea" was a dream come true for me. I have wanted to learn how to sail and to do more photography. The combo you provided was truly wonderful. I know that each trip you take has it's own energy, it's own life and I am so grateful for the opportunity we had. What a special life changing experience for me! -(Shelley M., New York NY '06)-
"Sail the Wine Dark Sea" was a brilliant alchemy of Greek sun, picturesque island scenery, your superb local knowledge and the gift your teaching imparted to expand my photographic expression. I loved arriving by sailing yacht to each new island's charms, while in the company of fellow photographers as passionate as I about making great pictures. And I was delighted when you carried on a conversation with a quintessential old gentleman in Greek, securing his permission to pose. As I look back on my incredible photos and memories now, I have to thank you profusely, Glenn, for the best and most productive vacation I think I have ever taken. -(Norm Catalano, Forest Knolls, CA '06)
This was a great experience. With the help of Glen and Rose's local expertise, I was able see and capture the typical environment with a fresh eye. I was also introduced to the topical, individual character of the different places on the island. Naturally, the tips and observations and added to the experience -- notes on archaeology, the world's largest concrete cactus tipped over by locals during the night, wine-making boots, and a glass of cool Greek wine by the water. I have a lot of great shots and memories from this trip. -(Janat H., New York NY '05)
The Greek Island Workshops turned out to be a wonderful experience and a very important step in my development as a photographer. I was introduced to people, places and ideas, which stimulated my creativity and photographic vision. The scenery and people of Greece are unsurpassed for a photographic journey. We visited small towns and villages which are still un-spoiled by commercial tourism. We traveled by ferry as the Greeks do to local islands to see and experience a way of life that is still simple and un-hurried. From waking up early and chasing the morning light to discussing great photography over a rooftop dinner overlooking the Caldera, the trip was a great mix of the epicurean, the educational and the wondrous sights of this ancient civilization.
I feel that my images have improved by leaps and bounds in both stylistic and technical respects. Glenn offers suggestions and answers questions with unfailing patience and really made me feel like he was there to help me and show me Greece and photography in a very personal way. This is not a commercialized, by-the-clock workshop with hired guns telling you where to point your cameras. This is an intimate and personalized tour with an artist who knows and loves this culture. These are the qualities portrayed in my images from this trip. It's not what I expected, but I wouldn't have it any other way. -(Steve G., Los Angeles CA '05)
The Greek Island photography class was one of the most valuable experiences of my life. Glenn's open classroom went far beyond mere instruction regarding topics of composition, lighting, and equipment. His fluency in the language, along with his knowledge of, and enthusiasm for Greek Island life, history, architecture and culture, afforded tremendous insights in a limited amount of time. Likewise, Glenn's wife Rose was a tremendous asset in providing logistical help and structure to the program while allowing ample flexibility to explore & create.
From the early light bouncing quietly off the ancient white washed walls to the delicate pink hue of the late afternoon sun setting, my lens was filled with wonder for eight days. We embarked on daily walking journeys through the narrow winding pathways of the villages, discovering interesting architecture, the natives and their culture, and many donkeys and mules being led through the narrow paths from ocean to cliff side while Glenn offered his expertise. Our diverse group ended our day by dining in the tavernas where we enjoyed locally made wine, fried tomato dumplings, grilled peppers, white eggplant, mousaka, fish, and Greek salads.
This workshop provided me hands-on training which will allow me take my photography to new levels and the memories of the experience as a whole, will be with me a lifetime. -(Karin R., Beulah CO '05) View some of Karin's work.
Glenn's passions for photography and Greece itself are infectious. What's more, he's a walking encyclopedia on both subjects. Glenn imparts his knowledge of photography, demystifying the technicalities of the process and, at the same time, opens your eyes to the wonders of Greek culture and the hidden treasures of Santorini that won't be found in any guide book. My pictures improved by leaps and bounds each day and so did my love of Greece.
Glenn's wife, Rose, adds the finishing touches with her charm, easy going-spirit and highly artistic eye. I highly recommend this workshop for those of you who want to improve your photography skills while soaking up the splendor of Santorini with a top-notch teacher and host. -(Lauren Welles, New York NY '05)
My husband and I signed up for the Greek Island Workshop because it met both our needs for travel and to get more familiar w/ our SLR digital cameras. Little did we know what a wonderful adventure lay in store. We focused on how to maximize our pictures through the manual settings of the digital camera with light, shutter speed and f-stops as the holy trinty.
In addition to honing our eye and camera skills, Glenn and Rose gave us a wonderful tour of Santorini, as only someone who has traveled there before can do. Selecting places of visual interest for shooting pictures and providing us with the background history of each place we visited made this trip memorable.
Glenn was flexible with the structure of the day and our requests allowing all of us to get our needs met. -(Kip + Polly G., Oakland CA '05)
Purchase Workshop Online:
(secure online payment through PayPal)
In Search of the 'Real Greece' 2021 - Kyklades (9/11/21 - 9/19/21) - Cancelled due to COVID!
Sunrise accommodation - $2900. Santorini/Anafi/Ios or Thirasia
ASMP Member's 10% Discount - Verificaton Needed
$2900 US
$2900 US
The Greek Island Workshops are dedicated to the spirit of the masters that helped guide me as a young photographer: Eikoh Hosoe, Lucien Clergue, Aaron Siskind, Pirkle Jones, Oliver Gagliani, Wynn Bullock, Imogen Cunningham, and Ruth Bernhard.
Workshops are based on three or more students signing up. Glenn Steiner reserves the right to cancel the workshop and refund the students' monies in full...should there not be enough students.
Students are encouraged to purchase their own travel insurance, covering health and travel and possible cancellation.
Regarding liability issues, Greek Island Photography, Glenn Steiner and Rose Steiner accept no responsibility for delays in air travel and/or ferry travel, for inclement weather, or other unforeseen problems and acts of God, such as strikes, personal sickness, personal injury, etc.
We reserve the right to substitute hotels should the need arise and/or make changes to the daily schedule. Flexibility is the key. After all, you're in Greece.
The costs of our workshops do not include your air transportation, your passports or visas (if applicable), any medical expenses, any insurance, or expenses due to events outside of our control.